We help people who are broken by hurts, habits, and hang-ups find recovery through the 12 steps and the healing power of Jesus Christ. We have support groups for substance addiction (alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and more) as well as help with everyday struggles: perfectionism, control, anxiety, codependency, family struggles, and many, many more. We offer Celebrate Recovery for anyone who is 18 or older. Everyone is welcome to come. Free Childcare is provided.
14055 Okeechobee Blvd, Loxahatchee, FL 33470

Pastor Trevor Johnston
Trevor was born in Seattle, WA but grew up in the greater Tampa Bay area. Trevor married the love of his life, Leah, in the summer of 2009. Together they have four children.
Upon graduation from high school, Trevor attended Florida State University where he graduated with a BS in Communication Studies and a minor in Religion. After years serving in campus ministry, Trevor and Leah moved to Wilmore, KY to attend Asbury Theological Seminary. In May 2014, Trevor graduated from Asbury Seminary with a Master of Divinity, and was appointed as the Associate Pastor of Community of Hope that June.
Trevor is a grateful believer in Jesus and the 12 steps. He is working a program for codependency, emotional eating, and dopamine addiction through tech. Trevor's personal passion is to see people who are far from God experience the incredible love of Jesus.
Outside of spirituality, his interests include playing with his kids, eating awesome food, drinking good coffee, martial arts, Tampa Bay Buccaneer Football, FSU Football, comic book movies, and various combat sports.
Christine Carpenter
Christine was born in New York but grew up in WPB. She was swept off her feet by her husband Vance in 2010 and between them they have 7 sons, 2 grandsons and 1 grand princess! Her all-time favorite thing to do is spend time with family. From vacations, dinners or baby sitting the grandkids. If family is involved her heart is full.
She began attending Celebrate Recovery meetings in 2003 because her home life was being controlled by addiction. After attending recovery for a few months she began to realize that she also played a huge role in the dysfunction in her household thru her codependent behaviors. These codependent behaviors showed up as her wearing a mask so no one would know just how bad things were in her life. After deciding to take off her mask and allow others to see the real her she realized she didn’t even know who she was. It was then that she began working the12 steps for her own healing rather than working them to fix others.
She has found freedom in many areas of her life by working these steps. She often tells people the answer isn’t the steps however the steps will lead you to the healer, because this is how she found Jesus! She worked for a recovery ministry for 4 years helping others by facilitating groups and teaching journaling classes. This helped facilitate a deep dive nto her own personal journey of recovery.
Her passion is to sit alongside of anyone who is experiencing brokenness and help lead them to a place of healing. She wants to do for others what others have done for her. This is why she answered the call to start Community of Hopes Celebrate Recovery in 2012. She is currently serving alongside Pastor Trevor in Celebrate Recovery.