Partnership Covenant
Having received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and having successfully completed our “Connections” Partnership Class, and being in agreement with Community of Hope’s mission, vision, values, priorities and statement of faith; I now feel led to commit myself to partnership at Community of Hope, and resolve to faithfully do the following as a partner:
Share in the responsibilities of my church, by:
Praying regularly for its growth and outreach
Regularly inviting unchurched friends and family
Welcoming visitors & observing the 3-minute rule*
Protect the unity of my church, by:
Acting in love toward others in the church
Refusing to be involved in any form of gossip
Committing to pray for and support the leaders
Support the testimony of my church, by:
Attending faithfully
Living a godly life
Giving regularly
. Serve the ministry of my church, by:
Discovering my gifts and talents
Being equipped to serve by my pastors
Developing a servant’s heart
Mission Statement
We exist to interest disinterested people in Jesus Christ and grow together into fully devoted followers of Him.
Ministry Leadership Ethos Statement
Leadership in a local church is a great privilege and a solemn responsibility. No believer is perfect; we’re all in process. However, Scripture lays out some additional qualifications for ministry leaders. This is why we require our leaders to be in agreement with and by God’s grace abiding by our Leadership Ethos Statement. This applies to any leadership position related to imparting content, making decisions on behalf of the church, or influencing our atmosphere.
Weekly Reports
Financial Reports
Annual Reports
The Lead Team
The Lead Team (and campus-specific Guide Teams) is the highest team of lay-leadership at Community of Hope. It is a representational group of people who leads, discerns, and decides. We are seeking God’s will over what is best for Community of Hope, not just our own preferences. The decisions of the Lead Team will always line up around the COH mission, the COH vision, the COH strategy and statements. The Lead Team meets once a month.
Denominational Responsibilities
Protecting the mission, vision, strategy and statements of Community of Hope
Providing the accountability for appointed clergy
Removing growth barriers
Creating growth engines
Discern God’s direction for our church
Lead Pastor – Dr. E. Dale Locke
Exec. Director of Finance, Facilities & Operations - Craig Whisnand
Associate Pastor – Rev. Trevor Johnston
Lead Team Chair – Jim Feyas
Julie Classen
Kyle Weaver
Laura Wilborn
Jim Gann
Terry Gronborg