The Sanctification Network is a contemporary movement of accountable churches and leaders which seeks to be connected in the Wesleyan heritage.
We hold these beliefs in common with the Church Universal – all Christ-followers across history and geography.
We are part of the Evangelical movement, which emphasizes the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and his work on the cross, the authority of the Bible, the necessity for conversion, the need for evangelism.
Lausanne Covenant - As Dr. Billy Graham started preaching internationally, he developed a passion to ‘unite all evangelicals in the common task of the total evangelization of the world’. In July 1974, over 2,400 participants from 150 nations gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland, for the First International Congress on World Evangelization. TIME magazine described it as ‘a formidable forum, possibly the widest-ranging meeting of Christians ever held’ and formed the Lausanne Covenant.
Lausanne Covenant , Commentary by John Stott, Manila Manifesto, Cape Town Commitment
Our theological tradition is rooted in the teachings of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. Wesleyan theology focuses on the concepts of grace, faith, and holiness within the Christian faith and underscores the importance of the means of grace and the need for Christian community in personal and societal transformation.
Holy Love – God is love and God is holy. The most powerful place of life change is at this beautiful intersection of love and holiness found on the cross of Jesus. The apex of the Christian life is being perfected in holy love for God and for people.
The Grace of God – God saves people by His grace through faith. John Wesley called this the order of salvation. First in prevenient grace, God works in the lives of disinterested people to interest them in His son Jesus. Then in justifying grace, God sets people free from the guilt of their sin. Next in sanctifying grace, God sets people free from the power of their sin. Lastly, in perfecting grace, God sets people free from the being of sin itself over a lifelong process, continually maturing people into the image of Christ.

In our expression, we are sensitive towards spiritual seekers. We endeavor to be wise toward those navigating faith in Christ and not make it difficult for them to become a follower of Jesus. (Acts 15:19, Colossians 4:5)
In our experience, we seek to be Spirit-filled. We affirm our belief in the Holy Spirit and all the power, gifts, and fruit of the Spirit are available today to Christ-followers. We seek to create welcoming, transcendent spiritual experiences for all people on their faith journey toward Jesus.
We affirm that God calls both women and men into ministry and into the role of pastor. God equally gifts men and women for leadership and proclamation in the Church.
Scripture affirms that our sexuality is a gift from God and through God’s sanctifying grace, belongs to God. We believe God designed the gift of sexuality to be expressed between a man and a woman in the covenant of marriage. For those persons outside of a covenant of holy matrimony, we affirm celibacy as a gift from God and seek to build intimate friendships with all persons within the body of Christ, regardless of orientation. Persons of homosexual orientation, no less than heterosexual persons, are people of sacred worth, created and loved by God.
We believe God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female. Together, these two distinct sexes reflect the creative nature and image of God.
We affirm marriage as instituted by God, joining one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union for life, as affirmed in Scripture. God’s gracious gift of human sexual expression is designed to be experienced in a loving covenant of marriage between one man and one woman. We believe God is honored through fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness.