
 Lent is a traditional season for followers of Jesus to prepare their hearts to celebrate Easter. This is done through a renewed focus on prayer, service, and repentance. Below are some ways you can best prepare your heart for Easter


Good Friday

Friday, April 2 | West and East Campuses

Join us for an indoor walk-through experience designed to creatively help you reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross! Come by yourself or with your kids any time between 4:30-8pm. If you prefer, you can participate in your home by downloading the packets below.

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24/7 Prayer Week

March 28 - April 4 | Online

We’re challenging our church to a full week of unbroken prayer to cover Community of Hope and Palm Beach County the entire week leading up to Easter Sunday. Our dream is to fill 168 hour-long prayer slots the week before Easter.

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Family Devotional

Use during Holy Week | March 28 - April 4

Let’s choose this year to lean in as a family and focus on the life of Jesus! Start this plan on Palm Sunday and you can read about what Jesus was doing during each day of Holy Week. You’ll find a daily, short devotional geared for kids, conversation starters, and prayer to help your family engage with Scriptures.

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Prayer Walk

Sunrise to Sunset | West Campus

Lent is a great time to visit our short Prayer Walk nature trail, which starts at the wooden cross on the west side of the parking lot and winds through the woods!


Prayer Night

Thursday, March 25th | 7pm

Join us for Prayer Night on Thursday, March 25 at 7pm. We’re going to spend an evening in prayer, covering our church’s outreach efforts for Easter.This night will be different than what you experience in our Sunday services. We’re going to dig a little deeper spiritually and ask God to move in big ways in our community! East campus will host the COH Prayer Night in Spanish. West campus will host the COH Prayer Night in English. Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior or very new to prayer—come on out!

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Ash Wednesday
Drive-Thru Ashes

February 17 | 7am-8am & 5pm-6pm | West and East Campus

To mark the beginning of Lent, we will be offering drive-through Ash Wednesday services on the East and West campuses from 7am-8am and 5pm-6pm. We’re looking forward to providing you and your family a convenient and safe way to commemorate the beginning of the Easter season.

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Christian Passover

Observed At Home

Many Christians find great meaning in observing the Jewish holiday, Passover. The Seder meal is viewed as a type of the sacrifice Jesus made. The theme of salvation through the sacrifice of a perfect, spotless lamb is represented by the food in the meal. Try it with your family or your small group.

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Real Questions

Your questions about faith answered!

Do you have questions that you wrestle with? Do you feel like there is never a good time or place to ask them? At Community of Hope, we are a safe place to ask those questions. Here are just a few being answered by experts that we know.