Foster & Adoption Ministry
Everyone can do something.
What will your something be?
Join Care Portal
Care Portal connects local churches and the Department of Children and Families. Through this system, we can be a part of meeting the tangible needs of vulnerable families in our community, keeping kids out of foster care when possible. Become a responder and you will be notified when there is a need for items like cribs, beds, car seats or more. Sign up here to become a responder.
Become a Foster Parent
We partner with 4Kids, a Christian licensing agency working towards a home for every child. Every child deserves to have a loving, Christian home, and you can have an eternal impact on the life of a baby, child, or teen. Contact 4Kids to learn more about upcoming orientations or if you would like further information.
Support the Foster Closet
Our closet at the East Campus contains like new baby items, clothes for newborn - teen sizes, toys, and other items that foster families may need. Any licensed foster family in Palm Beach County can utilize the closet. Support the closet by donating like new baby - teen items and volunteering to keep it organized. E-mail Laura for more information about helping, donating, or using the closet.
Make a Comfort Kit
Comfort kits are given to children who have been removed from their homes and families. These boxes of comfort items can help ease some of the trauma they are experiencing. They are donated to Friends of Foster Children to distribute to children in need. Learn more about how to create and donate your own comfort kit.
Join a Care Community
More than half of new foster families will quit within the first year because of lack of support. At Community of Hope, we are working to form care communities around each foster family. Care communities are a group of people that provides weekly meals, occasional childcare, prayer support, and other needs as they arise. To sign up and find out more please fill out this form.
Join us in lifting up all of those involved in fostering and adoption processes. Pray for judges, social workers, guardian ad litems, & therapists. Pray for families - both foster and biological and for the children involved in the system. Pray for the church that we may step into the lives of these families with the love of Jesus.