COVID Update from Pastor Dale

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Dear Community of Hope Family,

Yesterday in church, you may have heard me mention that we had an outbreak of COVID with some of our students and leaders coming home from Student Camp. As a result of this news, we asked everyone that participated in this year’s camp to stay home from church this weekend, and additionally, we asked their families and those connected with them to do the same. As of this writing, I have received word that over the course of this day, the number of those infected has grown from 5 to 14.

I’m writing this to our church family asking for two things:

1. Would you join us in prayer for these people and these families impacted? Join us in asking God for their recovery and that their symptoms would be slight. As we have all learned, COVID impacts different people in different ways. Join us in asking our God to care, protect, comfort and heal those impacted.

2. In the abundance of caution, we’re going to hit “pause” on all additional ministry activities this week. Being that so many in our church serve in so many different areas, we feel the best way to do all we can to contain the spread of the infection is to cancel all ministry activities across this week with the only exception being Celebrate Recovery in small group format tonight. We will resume a normal schedule next Sunday for in-person worship.

As we’ve done over the last year, we endeavor to keep everyone in our church up-to-date with all things COVID, and to share how we are handling the fluidity of what we are all dealing with.

Thank you for your prayers, and your patience as we navigate this new situation.

With love to each of you!

Pastor Dale


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