Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Connection is Our Mission

We connect the staff, church & community to interest disinterested people in Jesus Christ & grow together in fully devoted followers of him.

Thanks for following the Communications process! Please note that all requests are just that: requests. The Communications Team carefully considers each submission. We strive to ensure each request is executed in a way that honors our church, our team, our community and our Lord.

Comms Requests Forms

Event Request Form

Complete this form to the executive team prior to holding a Blue Sky meeting for your proposed event. This form serves as a notification to the team that a new or existing event is being discussed. Your event / promotion must be approved by the Executive Team prior to moving forward in the planning process.

Communication and Planning Form

Complete the form below after your event/promotion has been approved and after you have held your Blue Sky meeting. Complete this form in it’s entirety with all information, dates and links included.

Baptism Video Request Form

Once a Baptism has been scheduled and the campus team has notified, complete the form below.

Other Helpful Links