Important Update: The Alva Family
Hello Community of Hope family!
We want to give you an update with regards to the West Palm Beach Campus and, specifically, our family. As you saw in Pastor Dale’s previous WPB update email, the ministry opportunity at 2341 S Military Trail is coming to an end. With this location transitioning to our other two campuses of Community of Hope, Loxahatchee and Lake Worth, this opened up new opportunities and options for our family. Many of you have been asking what we will do in this next season, and for a while we were unsure of the exact details.
When we met with Pastor Dale about West Palm Beach’s transition he assured us we did not have to worry about our job security. So, during this meeting we all began ideating over an assortment of options and ideas which we needed to pray on and discern. As we spent a week and half wrestling, praying, discerning, fasting, and seeking wise counsel, we believe that God has called us to a season of pursuing our education full time in Kentucky. As part of our prayer time, Kurtis asked God to reveal to people in dreams and visions about what we should do next. One person from each campus and in both languages had visions about our family moving to Asbury Theological Seminary, which affirmed what we felt God had called us to. This is where Kurtis has been attending online, and where Pastor Dale and Beth along with many others on our team have attended.
After meeting with Pastor Dale to let him know our family’s decision, he was very supportive and in agreement that this a great opportunity for our family in this next season. We are very encouraged by Pastor Dale’s extensive and far-reaching support. Throughout this whole season of ministry Pastor Dale and Beth have been looking after us and leading us in ways that protects our family, our marriage and our calling of long-term ministry. Dale and Beth supporting our decision is an expression of this reality. They have loved, supported and challenged our family to be fully devoted to Christ all while demonstrating for us what it looks like to do so. Something Kurtis has told Pastor Dale recently is that he has seen in us what we could not see in ourselves. Through Pastor Dale and Beth’s leadership we have been able to pursue God’s calling upon our lives and our family’s life.
To the leadership at Community of Hope who brought us on staff, in spite of our testimonies, and fully incorporated us into the ministry opportunities, we honor your integrity and pursuit to carry out Community of Hope’s mission. We are also forever indebted to the ministry of Celebrate Recovery on Monday nights which showed us how to live lives fully surrendered to God and where Kurtis was baptized May 1, 2017.
Community of Hope, we want to express our gratitude to you all, you have been so supportive and a joy to worship and work with. The time we have had worshiping and leading at Loxahatchee, West Palm Beach and Celebrate Recovery has been incredible. Your generosity, humility and love goes before you and you have brought reality to the expression of “having a church home.” You have helped our faith and family grow in ways that are inexpressible. You welcomed us with open arms and truly made us feel at home. You created an environment where we felt open to worship our God and excited to share the gospel. We are truly grateful for you and as the Apostle Paul says to the Corinthians, we thank God for you in our prayers! For each and every one of you who have prayed for us, encouraged us, fed us, blessed us, and continue to love us, thank you.
As we look towards our move in August, we want you all to know that we are fully present and available for each and every one of you. We are committed to working daily with you as we process the West Palm Beach campus and move forward into the hope and excitement of what God has next for our church and each of you. We are always available for questions, lunches, dinners, and whatever else you all may need during this transition. We also know that our friendship goes beyond state boundaries and look forward to hosting anyone who wants to come visit us!
Thank you Community of Hope for always being on mission. Your love interested us in Jesus Christ and continues to help us grow into fully devoted followers of Him. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus everyday and we cannot wait to hear how God continues to move in this church in this next chapter. We have already seen so much of God’s provision and handiwork through this transition and we pray all of God’s richest blessings over each of you in this next season. We hope to see you all at the West Palm Beach Celebration Service on July 14th at 10am and also at our going away party on August 4th from 3-5pm at the Lake Worth campus.
We love you!
Much Love,
The Alva’s